
Waiting for an answer always seems so long.

But once you do get an answer, and the answer is good, well.... i guess all the time wasted would've paid off.

But what if it wasn't something you wanted?

What if that something you've been waiting sooo eagerly for is not what you finally get?

Well, i guess that's just what you'll have to find out sooner or later.

YDP is just around the corner. Name tag design not chosen yet. Not printed.

Im supposed to do devo. Topic very confusing. No idea what im supposed to talk about. Messed up 'guide lines'.

Finally found a pair of jeans that're nice and decent for my bro. Went shopping with ashley to sungei wang today. Bought stuffies for mich. "Hope you like 'em"

Gonna be heading down to singapore on the 25th. Faced alot of complications just trying to arrange the trip down. Now, the only thing to worry about is the bus tickets back home. Hope aunty Abby can manage to get good bus tickets for the 29th.

Will be busy for the next few weeks. Gospel meeting this weekend. All invited. MICH! you must come! i dont care! rAWr! Have a save and enjoyable holiday! Merry christmas!

im still waiting.
not desperate.
forget it.


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