
Back from singapore.
Into the new year.
Back to ol' sweet reality.

Trip to sgpore was great. Although there were a few minor set backs at first, But all in all, It was a wonderful holiday well spent.
Thank you all who spent time with us while we were there. Really hope we could meet more than twice a year only in the future!! Do come down up to m'sia if possible. (bring along my specs too!!)
Yeah. For those of you who didn't know, i left my specs in sgpore. T.T

New year's was not as exciting as before.
Mainly because Everything in the past seemed to follow me forward too!
bahahaha.... bleeh
Wasn't really looking forward to new year's. My to do list before new year's was never accomplished. Almost all of the stuff i wished to do never came true, or i thought better not to.
Dont ask me why.

Well, since time keeps moving on and waits for noone, i guess i'l just have to move on as well.
(Being dragged on by time isn't a nice feeling)

the face is a mask,
to hide whats inside.


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